Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Weather in Norway

You could write a book about the Norwegian weather :) 

The general image of the Norwegian weather in most of the people`s heads is: 
COLD, COLD, COLD, like... polar bear COLD
Well, that isn`t completely true :) Sure, it IS cold all year round up north, behind the polar circle area, but the more to the south, the more bearable it gets. 

Cities such as Oslo or Stavanger enjoy weather similar to that you can see on the British Islands or Denmark. That means it can get quite hot in the summer, even 30 degrees, but mostly up to 25, and pretty cold during the winter (minus 5-10, sometimes more). 

In Bergen, the city where I live, the weather changes rapidly. You can experience beautiful, sunny, warm weather and tropical-like rain in one day. Sometimes we have hailstones falling and the Sun shining during one hour. Bergen is famous from being one of the rainiest cities in the world, on average getting about 235 precipitation days a year. It is also quite windy, but thanks to the Gulf Stream its climate is particularly mild. The hottest I`ve experienced here was in May 2012 with the temperature above 30 degrees, and the coldest probably this winter- around minus 10. Usually, we get around zero degrees in winter with some snow and 15-20 in the summer. Springs and autumns are wet and chilly.

This year I`ve planted some things on my balcony, easy to grow vegetables. Everything is growing soooooo sloooooow, due to the weather I guess. 
I`ve heard that they used to have vending machines with umbrellas in Bergen (!), but I`ve never seen any.

If you come to Norway, you have to be prepared for every weather, no matter the season. And don`t be surprised if you experience 4 seasons in one day, that`s just normal here :)

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